Google+ Leido en Igoogle (y otros): Manjaro XFCE unstable (My post install)

jueves, 24 de julio de 2014

Manjaro XFCE unstable (My post install)

Manjaro XFCE Minimal 0.8.11 Preview 1 is online now. | Manjaro Linux:

sudo pacman-mirrors -g -b unstable

sudo pacman -Syu

sudo pacman -S yaourt

sudo pacman -S gedit

sudo pacman -S fakeroot make cmake

sudo pacman -S chromium

sudo pacman -S lib32-flashplugin

sudo pacman -S steam

sudo pacman -S wine dosbox sdlmame

or all together

sudo pacman -S yaourt gedit fakeroot make cmake chromium lib32-flashplugin steam wine dosbox sdlmame

yaourt -S qbittorrent python

yaourt -S cairo-dock cairo-dock-plugins cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras

yaourt -S conky-manager

yaourt -S gens-gs snes9x-gtk qmc2

or all together

yaourt -S  --noconfirm qbittorrent python cairo-dock cairo-dock-plugins cairo-dock-plug-ins-extras conky-manager gens-gs snes9x-gtk qmc2

yaourt -S google-chrome

edit PKGBUILD (type nano to edit) and remove 'libgcrypt15' from dependences

Use the Libre Office installer

'via Blog this'

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